"I have noticed that folks are just as happy as they have made up their minds to be."
- Abraham Lincoln
This year - my junior year- has been especially busy. Tests and quizzes in Trig almost every single week. A piano teacher with high expectations for me. Training to be a Cosmetologist. [Don't think we sit around primping our hair all day. It is hard. I'd like to see you take our chemical relaxer/perm written test..it's a doozy] A house that needs constant cleaning..but somehow I hardly get [make] the time. An online class that absolutely sucked... preparing to re-take the AIMS to get and exceeds..[why do I care so much?]
I just thought that after this year, I would be free of this stress..and the migraines. Then I realized, this will never end. After high school, there is college. After college I have a career. During my career, you have take all these classes yearly in order to stay on top of things!
Who knows..maybe I'll have a bunch of kids to worry about and take care of to top it off. [ I love kids] This is just the beginning Britt. The only time I'll actually be free would be..when I'm retired.. and old.. and with a husband - hopefully. [preferably Justin]
I'll live...don't fret.