"In the book of life, the answers aren’t in the back."
-Charlie Brown

This summer hasn't been off to such a great start...
It's been work, work, and more work..
But I guess it's ok..I'm getting paid finally!
My best friend lover has been having so many boy troubles. Me and my Mimi were helping her out last night, and alot of the information we gave her helped ME out a ton!
On to a different note:
This past year I couldn't wait to get out of highschool. But now that I'm technically a senior...I'm scared. I'm going to have to apply to colleges, save money, and grow up. I kinda AM a little grown up..but still.
By this time next year, I'll be graduated with a highschool dimploma AND a Cosmetology Liscense. Whoa, this came by real fast for me.
Don't get me wrong, I still can't wait to get out of the hell-hole called Westwood...it's kinda gay.
I'm going to actually have to decide where I want to go with my life..my head is telling me one thing, but my heart wants to do another.
Will I be happy with a butt-load of money, and hardly see my kids [if I have them]??
Or will I be happier with a lower-paying job and spend more time with my kids that most working mothers don't do these days??
I'm so confused.
Theres only one thing I'm not confused about:
Moving AWAY for college.