"Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult."

So, on Saturday I received the most wonderful news I've ever heard.
I was just about to get ready for work when my Dad calls me down to the kitchen [great, I was in trouble :)]. Then he hands me an envelope from NAU, a small envelope.
[Earlier I had applied there and was waiting for a response.]
I open it, it was very nervous-making especially since I had my dad reading over my shoulder. I was expecting it to contain no happy-making news...it was a small envelope after all.
But it was a good small envelope!!
I'm accepted to start fall of 2009 as a music performance major. :D
It's so scary to think that in less than a year, I'll be moving out of my home that I've lived in for 13 years and go live on my own. [with some fabulous room mates of course!]
But I think this is what I need. I need to live a new life in order to create and start my new life.