27 December 2008

Common Mistake

Thought of The Day:

"Believe that you have it, and you have it"
-Latin Proverb


Every one gets their words mixed up every now and then.
It happened to me just yesterday.

Me and my little brother were watching TV and an annoying obnoxious commercial came on: "EVERYBODY BEATS MITCH!"
And of course, I always mimic everything
I say:
It was very entertaining.

Now, on to a different note!

This Christmas was very odd and not like any other I've had before..but I find it probably one of my favorites and a memorable one.
And on top of all of that.. I got a keyboard!
and Logic Studio!

I love it

11 December 2008

Cant See The World Through a Mirror.

Thought of the Day:
"We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he was surfaced, he would have an entirely different view."
-Mao Tse-Tung


Let's observe the planet Saturn for a moment..
-Has rings
-6th planet from the sun
-Big ball of gas.

It may look like a planet with a solid surface,
but all in all..
It's just gas.

Looks can be deceiving.
Everything isn't what it seems..

I wish everyone understood that.

01 December 2008


Thought of the Day:

"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure."
-William Feather


Over the last few weeks I've realized how many people I'm going to leave behind in order to start my new life.
I will get to move out of my house and stuff..that's always fun...
but what about the few friends I have that are actually friends??
I just have to leave them now??

This part of growing up sucks.
I don't really like it.

I know I'll have to go through more eye opening experiences..
like BILLS!!
