"Humor is a rubber sword - it allows you to make a point without drawing blood.
- Mary Hirsch

So last Tuesday I had quite an exciting day down at the symphony. I made my first Fed-Ex shipment, helped put together a concert for this Sunday. It's a community play in, we need trumpet and trombone players!!! A lot of exciting things happened that day. After my long and busy day, FINALLY it was 4 pm..time for home!
Due to my busy-ness, I left the office a little later than usual. Whilst taking my walk down to the light rail, I talk to Mimi on the phone (like I always do), then I notice the light rail coming..but I was trapped on the other side of the street! So I run across the street when there was a slight break in traffic, as a result I almost got run over by a stampede of cars. Luckily I didn't, so don't worry.
I continue running down the light rail platform in hopes the operator will wait for me to board (did you know there are cameras ever where by the light rail?!), but he didn't. Disappointed, I started to begin to slow down to a walk, when all of the sudden I was flat on the ground! Somehow, I tripped and fell. Flat on my face..or my stomach really. I hurry and sit up, fix my dress (the whole world saw my butt!), and start picking up the stuff that fell out of my purse. As I do this, I notice I had holes in my brand new argyle nylons I just bought (they were so cute!) along with a good dose of skinned knees. I see this guy making his way towards me to help me up, so I hurried and got to my feet to avoid all awkwardness, as I'm doing this a car drives by and yells "HA HA YOU FELL!!".
Keep in mind, I was on the phone the whole time with Mimi..she didn't know I fell until I told her. My was it hilarious. I think this fall should go down in Brittany History..it' s worse than when I fell down during the Easter Pageant..on stage..during a performance!
Unfortunately, my body is unusual and ages faster than it should. I'm still hurting! I'm not liking this part of the aging process...I'm no longer invincible! :C
But I did learn valuable lessons:
- Don't cross the street when it says "DON'T WALK".
- Don't talk on the phone while running.
- Don't run when wearing heels!
And last but not least
-You're getting old.. don't be such a klutz.
If you were to somehow catch my great fall on video, it'll look something like this: