"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart"
- Celia Thaxter

November has creeped up on us and Thanksgiving is weeks away! Where has all the time gone?
There are many things that I'm grateful for in my life.
My awesome sister, she does so much for me. Without her, I really believe I'd be a stupid 18 year old.. instead, she gave me my 22 year old mind....
My parents, who have let me dream big. They put up with it all. :)
My bestfraann, she's stuck with me for 6 years. It's nice to know people can handle who I am. :) She's super nice and always loads of fun.
I'm thankful for one of my teachers. She's helped me through my first semester of college. Without her, I'd be paying for the next two years. Literally.
I love my awesome new job with the Symphony. I have learned sooo much. I get free tickets to the concerts. My weekends have upgraded from juvenile fun to classy, sophisticated, ritzy fun. I love it.
I also am super grateful for my opporotunity to go to London this Spring! Now's my chance to meet some hott, musical British boys. Mmmmmm. Cannot wait!