"One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another has it for 30 days, but is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life."
-Edward B. Butler

This past school year has been hectic and as a result I have not been able to do much blogging. But don't worry, it wasn't all in vain.. I got good marks in school :)
Let's do a recap of it all.
My internship with the Symphony was great! I learned so much and it was a great experience.. I especially loved the free tickets! It's a shame that that had to come to an end, where did this school year go?!

Speaking of school years, my first year as a college student was great. I love it sooooo much more than high school. Enough said. It may be a little bit harder, but it's nothing that I can't do. :) Also, I have since changed my major. I'm thinking audio production? I would just LOVE to be the recording engineer for Mimi's amazing films in the future!

I've been a ward organist for almost a whole year! I was reluctant to accept my calling at first, but I grew to love it. The nerves of playing for a congregation were dulled, my playing got better (not in just the organ, but piano and cello as well.. and I'm not complaining about that!). But I am really grateful for this opprotunity to share and develop those talents. :)

I've been apart of the East Valley Mormon Choral Organization (EVMCO) as a cellist in the orchestra. My mom first told me about this group in September, she had heard about it from one of her patients. I Googled them and requested some information on them, I got an email back the next day asking if I would go and audition that night! Long story short, I threw together some audition pieces and made the orchestra! I absolutely LOVE it! Each rehearsal is the equivalent to going to church, I get musically fed as well as spiritually fed! I am incredibaly lucky to be a part of such a good organization, my thirst of changing the world through music is starting to be made possible!
If you need something to do this Friday... we have a spectacular concert happening at Gammage that you MUST see!

All in all, this year was a good year. Not at all like I was expecting, it had it's up's and down's but I am grateful for all the knowledge that I had gained this year.