25 February 2011


Thought of the Day:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein

What's that? You want to know 20 random facts about me? Ok!

1. I have recently got hooked on the show Lost. Actually, hooked isn't the right word...more like addicted to!
2. I love love LOVE my dog Boston.
3. Things I say always, without a doubt, come out wrong..so don't get offended.
4. Music...is kind of my thing.
5. So is procrastination. 
6. I am already running out of things to say.
7. I really hate online classes. But I kinda like the one I'm in now. Does that make me a hypocrite?
8. I hate hypocrisy.
9. I love the band Muse because they are all about rebellion against screwed up governments. But mainly because I love Matt Bellamy :)
10. I drop my phone multiple times a day.
11. I like to put my own words to songs and sing them while in a conversation instead of talking.
12. I secretly love watching "Teen Mom" and "16 and Pregnant". Don't hate.
13. I love watching movies.
14. My sister and I have dedicated accent days.
15. I believe George Orwell can tell the future. Read 1984.
16. I work at a movie theater, and it may or may not be because I get free tickets.
17. I'm in an electronic music class...and I really suck at writing songs. So far, my stuff sounds like a sucky, less cool version of the music on Tron.
18. I have the worst sleeping schedule. I'm a night owl and a forced early bird.
19. I love books. Especially books about rebellion...and hot guys. ;)
20. I can spend hours on YouTube watching Fail Blogs. They're just so funny!

09 February 2011

Chivalry Is NOT Dead...It's Mostly Dead.

Thought of the Day:
"What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you say"
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can tell this semester is going to be great. I am taking DAW II (I loved DAW I so much!), Electronic Music (I have to admit, I'm super nervous for this class...), my honors class Women In Film, and of course French 102. I have the perfect schedule, my classes are très amusante et intéressante....it's going to be a great semester :)

On another note, chivalry is not dead, it's mostly dead. I was at a "party" a few weeks ago with some friends, we were going to watch movies. The room was pretty full and all the chairs were taken by the time I got there. I know I've been watching Jane Austen films a lot lately, but correct me if I'm wrong.. aren't guys supposed to offer their seat to girls when there aren't any??? Well....I guess not, I got in the room and stood against the wall and made some awkward eye contact with "men" who knew what the polite thing to do was and guess what? They DIDN'T DO IT! Instead, I spent the night on hard floors with a lovely back ache to keep me company.

HOWEVER! Last weekend I was at a "party" and again, all the seats and couches were taken. My (female) friend comes into the room and sits on the floor but ONE nice young man stands up and offers her his seat. It was so happy-making that everyone in the room cheered applauded him for his chivalry.

Any and all good deeds done by ANYONE should be rewarded. Let's bring back politeness and chivalry!