17 January 2008

Are you sorry now??

I was reading a poetry notebook I had started a couple years ago. I was heartbroken and obsessed with boys.

Thinking of You

'As you clasp eachother's hands
as you press youR lips against her's, you tell mE

"I was thinking of You"

As you call her up On the phone
Talkin till early hoUrs of the morning day
Whispering Sweet 'I love yous' back and forth
YOu tell me

"I was thinking of you"

I don't know if I can tRust you anymoRe
I am going to leave You now
But Not withOut saying these last few Words

I was thinking of you.'


BCB said...

Britt, I don't understand why you bolded the letters?

Britt said...

Look a little harder. It's all in the name. :D

Britt said...
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