"He who hesitates is lost"
- Proverb

Sorry for being such a slacker lately... I've never had a busier summer.
I've been taking some classes at Mountain View ...
Evit has totally opened my eyes. I'm now a senior there. We get real live clients who actually care what their hair looks like. Unlike those fake heads we get. I haven't had a client..yet. But I pray that he/she is nice and forgiving.
And work is a whole different story...maybe I'll blog about that later.
Just the other day, out of boredom, I was watching Music&Lyrics.
I got to the part where Alex was recording him and Sophie's little song for Cora and putting it all together...and then it just hit me! I want to do that for a living. I would love writing songs for people.
So, now when my parents ask me why on earth I want to study music in college...I'll have a straight answer!
All I have to do next is marry some awesome musician that has a heavenly voice, and we could be millionaires.

So... a singing vampire then?
I lost your link when I changed my blog so it has been awhile since I checked.
I was reading this post thinking about how much I like the movie Music & Lyrics, how you should study music, and yes marry a musician. Then I scroll down and see Matt & it brings a huge smile on my face.
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