Life is full of experiences. And we learn from almost all of them right??
Experience #1:
Yesterday, I almost died. After seminary I started making my way back to school, which involves crossing a little street. Before I cross I look to my left..all clear. I look to my right...just a car passing. After the passing car [which took approximately 2 seconds], I stepped out on the street. I just got a text message, so I looked down to read it...and all of the sudden I hear this HONK!!!!!!! I look to my LEFT and there was this huge suburban literally 1 foot away from me! Then I did this man scream...which made even more people look at me.
Lessons Learned:
1.) Look before you cross any street. Then look AGAIN!
2.)Don't text and cross a street before you get hit..because when you do, you look like a stupid careless teenage girl.
3.)Man screams coming from a girl + a car horn draws attention.
Experience #2:
When I came to seminary this morning I saw that my teacher had a seating chart on the board. I find my seat, then look at the name of the person sitting next to. It was a boy..I wasn't too enthused because with my luck, he was just like any other not cute guy in my school. As I was thinking this, he sits down.. and says:
"Hey Brittany,"
Me: "Hello!!...[looks at the board]..Spencer!"
Let me tell you...He was not only was he the cutest guy I've seen in a long time but he was nice too! These kind of people are rare at Westwood. So anyways, class starts and during the hymn I discover he has an amazing singing voice.
We talk a little. I find he has amazing eyes and a killer smile.
Then the lights turn off.....for a movie!. I find myself having trouble breathing. I felt like I wasn't getting enough air. So I'm trying to control this...panic attack. My heart starts to hurt and I feel faint. So I started telling myself, quoting Charlie Bartlett "You are having a panic attack. You will not die. In 15 minutes it'll all be over." It got worse! Then my gorgeous partner stands up and leaves for the bathroom. My breathing got better.
Lesson Learned:
Really hott guys make me hyperventilate!
Not good.

at least you could talk... all i can do s stare at beautiful boys...
and by beautiful boys i mean murphy, not tyler hilton. murphy.
I read most of this out loud, and Trenton laughs. He said he thinks you have some sort of "inner funny". I must admit, you are too cute.
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