"Life is either a Daring adventure, or nothing."
- Helen Keller

The other night Mimi and I were at Walmart. As we were passing the 'girlie' isle we saw a man standing there, on his cell. He couldn't have looked more uncomfortable. We bet that he was on the phone with his girlfriend asking what kind of feminine 'tool' to get. It was hilarious..we had to turn back for a second glance. He was done and bolted out of there like the devil was on his heels. Poor guy.
On a different note..I just want to say that I'm so happy that I didn't 'waste' my first kiss on just anyone. That's all.

Hey don't you know that is my Jim Halpert picture! I have copyrighted Jim Halpert, he is mine!!! Just kidding Mimi told me that you were worried.
Actually everytime I see that picture I smile back at him and say hi. Becaue he had just said hi to Pam. In case you did not remember.
ohhh that is where that is from. he says hi so sexy right then. soooo sexy.
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