"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past"
- Patrick Henry

The only bad thing about spring break is that you can't get to bed at a decent hour. So thats why I've decided that:

Anyways, last night I did some heavy duty dreaming.
For some reason the bathroom stalls consisted of 2 or 3 toilets each. When I went to pee, I happened to choose the one with the cute 8th grader that I accidentally flirted with [funny story].
He was sitting, doing his business, and I didn't realize that he was even there until I was commited to that toilet! It was very awkward...and after a while he began to call for his mom.
I think I lost all respect for him now. He was a nice kid too! You can't see a person on the toilet and not look at them differently after words.
Now, I will fight back rolls of giggling and laughter the next time I see him.
I was telling Debbie the other day that I could never be a vampire because I would miss sleeping & dreaming to much . I know that since I wouldn't be tired it would not matter. But I use sleep to get over things. Sometimesif I am mad I will take a nap & rest and my dreams make it all better.
PS I love the song
i dream about robward every night. its pretty spectacular.
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