26 July 2008

All Done!

Thought of the Day:

"It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."
- Chinese Proverb

So now as summer comes to an end, mine comes to a start.
I'm so relieved, I've finally finished my summer class at Mountain View. [With an A!!]
EVIT finally came to an end. I've had 3 clients so far! My first gave me a 5 dollar tip..she was nice. :)
So now all I have to worry about is work..
and getting ungrounded. :C

Worst pet peeve:

I hate it when people complain about things they can't control [except gas prices..because I do that] but it's even worse when it's things that I can't even control. This usually happens when I'm working. Some person will come up and order a whole bunch of gross movie theater food nearing the $30 mark. And when it comes time for me to get their money, they complain at ME, making ME feel bad for wasting all their money. You're the one who wanted all that food. Stupid fat bastards.


when people come up to the counter with a year's supply of free coupons, they whine when they end up having to pay one insignificant dollar to fill up their refillable cup. It sure beats 4 dollars to fill up a cup that same size!

I just love it.

02 July 2008


Thought of the Day:

"He who hesitates is lost"
- Proverb


Sorry for being such a slacker lately... I've never had a busier summer.
I've been taking some classes at Mountain View ...
Evit has totally opened my eyes. I'm now a senior there. We get real live clients who actually care what their hair looks like. Unlike those fake heads we get. I haven't had a client..yet. But I pray that he/she is nice and forgiving.
And work is a whole different story...maybe I'll blog about that later.

Just the other day, out of boredom, I was watching Music&Lyrics.
I got to the part where Alex was recording him and Sophie's little song for Cora and putting it all together...and then it just hit me! I want to do that for a living. I would love writing songs for people.
So, now when my parents ask me why on earth I want to study music in college...I'll have a straight answer!

All I have to do next is marry some awesome musician that has a heavenly voice, and we could be millionaires.