25 February 2011


Thought of the Day:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein

What's that? You want to know 20 random facts about me? Ok!

1. I have recently got hooked on the show Lost. Actually, hooked isn't the right word...more like addicted to!
2. I love love LOVE my dog Boston.
3. Things I say always, without a doubt, come out wrong..so don't get offended.
4. Music...is kind of my thing.
5. So is procrastination. 
6. I am already running out of things to say.
7. I really hate online classes. But I kinda like the one I'm in now. Does that make me a hypocrite?
8. I hate hypocrisy.
9. I love the band Muse because they are all about rebellion against screwed up governments. But mainly because I love Matt Bellamy :)
10. I drop my phone multiple times a day.
11. I like to put my own words to songs and sing them while in a conversation instead of talking.
12. I secretly love watching "Teen Mom" and "16 and Pregnant". Don't hate.
13. I love watching movies.
14. My sister and I have dedicated accent days.
15. I believe George Orwell can tell the future. Read 1984.
16. I work at a movie theater, and it may or may not be because I get free tickets.
17. I'm in an electronic music class...and I really suck at writing songs. So far, my stuff sounds like a sucky, less cool version of the music on Tron.
18. I have the worst sleeping schedule. I'm a night owl and a forced early bird.
19. I love books. Especially books about rebellion...and hot guys. ;)
20. I can spend hours on YouTube watching Fail Blogs. They're just so funny!

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