27 December 2007

It's all Lies

Thought(s) of the Day:


"There is no music in hell, for all good music belongs to heaven." - Brigham Young, Journals of Discourses, 9:244

"I only know two tunes: One of them is "Yankee Doodle" and the other isn't." - Ulysses S. Grant, in Forbes, 601



So, today I've learned a valuable lesson.


It's not a good thing, why do it? Even in joking it could result in an unpleasant thing. In my case, today, I just feel bad.

On my myspace I said that I live in Forks, Washington, rather than the place that I actually live. I just love Twilight so much and I want to be Bella so bad...I said that I lived there. Well, this afternoon when I went on, I saw that I had a message from someone I didn't even know. She told me that she had a friend in Forks and she is searching for her. And asked for any information on her.

Crap. What on earth do I tell her? Do I ignore it? Tell her the truth?

This is why you don't lie. Not even in the funnies.

So. I better get back to doing my homework...I'm not lying, I swear. ;D

1 comment:

BCB said...

Britt, what did you end up telling this girl?
AND, you are so harrrddd to work out with. you're never home!!!